Search results - 16 results

Quasispecies nature of an unusual avian paramyxovirus type-1 isolated from pigeons.

the genome in three different genes to evaluate if heterogeneity might explain the difference observed between the ICPI and the F protein cleavage site motif. Two distinct sub-populations were detected ...

(Non-)Sense of Milk Testing in Small Ruminant Lentivirus Control Programs in Goats. Comparative Analysis of Antibody Detection and Molecular Diagnosis in Blood and Milk.

animals, we evaluated whether milk could be used as an inexpensive and easily collectable matrix for SRLV detection. We therefore compared SRLV detection via two commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays ...

Replicative fitness recuperation of a recombinant murine norovirus- reciprocity of genetic shift and drift.

fitness recuperation and genetic characteristics of RecMNV progenies at early and late stages of an adaptation experiment were evaluated. Replicative fitness regain of the recombinant was demonstrated via ...

Transmission of Bluetongue Virus Serotype 8 by Artificial Insemination with Frozen-Thawed Semen from Naturally Infected Bulls.

confirm unusual features of BTV-8 infection, should not be extrapolated to infection with other BTV strains without thorough evaluation. This study also adds weight to the hypothesis that the re-emergence ...

Development and evaluation of a core genome multilocus sequence typing scheme for Paenibacillus larvae, the deadly American foulbrood pathogen of honeybees.

whole-genome sequencing. A total of 333 genomes were used to identify, validate and evaluate 2419 core genes. The cgMLST allowed fine-scale differentiation between samples that had the same profile using ...

Bayesian Evaluation of Three Serological Tests for Detecting Antibodies against spp. among Humans in the Northwestern Part of Ecuador.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Jorge Ron-Román; Ron-Garrido, Lenin; Abatih, Emmanuel; Maritza Celi-Erazo; Laura Vizcaíno-Ordóñez; Jaime Calva-Pacheco; Pablo González-Andrade; Berkvens, Dirk; Washington Benítez-Ortíz; Jef Brand ...

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