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Search results - 84 results

Combining a transcriptomics-based gene expression biomarker with the ToxTracker to evaluate the genotoxic potential of high priority printed paper and board food contact material substances

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Melissa Van Bossuyt; G Hendriks; R Derr; TY Doktorova; A Thienpont; Els Van Hoeck; T Vanhaecke; V Rogiers; Birgit Mertens Source: Beltox meeting (2019) URL: https://beltox.be/beltox- ...

Immunisation of migrants in EU/EEA countries: Policies and practices.

children/adolescents in 27/28 countries and to adults in 13/28 countries. In the 15 countries offering only certain vaccinations to adults, priority is given to diphtheria-tetanus, measles-mumps-rubella and polio ...

Evolution of educational inequalities in life and health expectancies at 25 years in Belgium between 2001 and 2011: a census-based study

a public health priority, necessitating careful monitoring that should take into account changes in the population composition. We analyzed the evolution of educational inequalities in life expectancy and ...

Antibiotic resistance prediction for Mycobacterium tuberculosis from genome sequence data with Mykrobe.

Organization priority. We previously developed a software tool,, which provided offline species identification and drug resistance predictions for from whole genome sequencing (WGS) data. Performance was ...

Combining a genotoxin-specific qPCR method with the ToxTracker to evaluate the genotoxic potential of high priority printed paper and board food contact material substances

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Melissa Van Bossuyt; G Hendriks; R Derr; TY Doktorova; Els Van Hoeck; T Vanhaecke; V Rogiers; Birgit Mertens Source: EEMGS meeting 2019, Rennes (France) (2019) URL: https://www.eemgs ...

Prioritizing substances of genotoxic concern for in-depth safety evaluation using non-animal approaches: The example of food contact materials.

substances could all be assigned to one of the four priority classes (ranging from low to very high concern). Importantly, 19 substances were considered of very high concern due to in vivo genotoxicity. Five ...

Contribution of chronic conditions to gender disparities in health expectancies in Belgium, 2001, 2004 and 2008

Conclusion To promote healthy ageing of populations, priority should be given to reduce the LED disadvantage in women by targeting non-fatal diseases, such as musculoskeletal conditions. Health Topics:  Health ...

Contribution of chronic conditions to gender disparities in health expectancies in Belgium, 2001, 2004 and 2008

spiratory diseases. Conclusion: To promote healthy ageing of populations, priority should be given to reduce the LED disadvantage in women by targeting non-fatal diseases, such as musculoskeletal conditions. Health ...

Pathways to a cancer-free future: A protocol for modelled evaluations to maximize the future impact of interventions on cervical cancer in Australia

Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), the most relevant evaluations for prevention, diagnosis and treatment were identified. RESULTS Priority evaluations agreed by the SAC included: increasing/decreasing and ...

Assessing factors associated with long-term work disability after cancer in Belgium: a population-based cohort study using competing risks analysis with a 7-year follow-up

increasing worldwide. One of the main priorities is to preserve their quality of life and the sustainability of social security systems. We have carried out this study to assess factors associated with the ...

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