Search results - 155 results

Making the case for strong health information systems during a pandemic and beyond.

message that successful reactions to the pandemic are (also) grounded in strong HIS that ultimately not only benefit the health of the population but also create a number of economic and psycho-social ...

Morbidity Statistics: 2019 Pilot Data Collection Belgium, Final Report

Accession Number: D/2020/14.440/86 Keywords: Morbidity statistics Population health monitoring Abstract: The project required the involvement of multiple stakeholders in Belgium. Some of these collaborations ...

Diagnosis, prevention and control of urinary tract infections: a survey of routine practices in Belgian nursing homes

reported infections in older adults and the most common reason for antimicrobial prescribing in nursing homes (NH s). In this vulnerable population, both a good diagnosis and prevention of these infections ...

Genomic epidemiology of emerging ESBL-producing Kentucky in Europe.

Routine surveillance at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) detected cases with a ciprofloxacin-resistant. Kentucky with the ESBL-gene. Ensuing research identified 78 cases in ...

COVID-19| Surveillance des eaux usées, Sciensano press release, 5 October 2020

population via l’analyse, non plus des tests réalisés directement sur les personnes, mais de prélèvements dans les eaux usées. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Coronavirus Surveillance de la santé et ...

Risk to human health related to the presence of perfluoroalkyl substances in food

adverse effects observed in humans. Based on the estimated LB exposure, but also reported serum levels, the CONTAM Panel concluded that parts of the European population exceed this TWI, which is of concern. ...

International Handbook of Health Expectancies

International Handbooks of Population, Number 298, Cham, Switzerland (2020) ISBN: 987-3-030-37666-6 Keywords: disabilities disability free life expectancy Global activity limitation Indicator health Health ...

ADVANCE database characterisation and fit for purpose assessment for multi-country studies on the coverage, benefits and risks of pertussis vaccinations.

population (size, representatively of age/sex of national population, rounding of birth dates, delay between birth and database entry), vaccinations (number of vaccine doses, recording of doses, pattern of ...

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