Search results - 150 results

HIV infections and STI co-infections in men who have sex with men in Belgium: sustained increase in HIV diagnoses.

(STI) (95.6% in 2008) indicate increases in unsafe sex practices in this group. Development of behavioural surveillance and more qualitative research on reasons for unsafe sex are needed in order to ...

DNA vaccines against mycobacterial diseases.

greatly facilitated by the analysis of immune responses induced after DNA vaccination. In addition, work aiming at optimizing DNA vaccines against mycobacterial diseases and research related to the ...

Evidence for the presence of Legionella bacteriophages in environmental water samples.

amplification, purification, and characterization procedures were, however, not efficiently applicable making more research into these novel phages and their mechanism of infection necessary. The existence of ...

Travel-acquired salmonellosis due to Salmonella Kentucky resistant to ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone and co-trimoxazole and associated with treatment failure

Combination drug effects Drug Resistance,Multiple,Bacterial drug therapy Failure Humans im IS Male Microbial Sensitivity Tests microbiology pharmacology Print report reports Research Research Support Salmonella ...

Interactive analysis of Belgian vital statistics on the Internet.

the Centre for Operational Research in Public Health (CORPH) is to optimize the accessibility to health information, thus making it possible to measure and follow up the health status of the Belgian ...

Collecting information on the quality of prescribing in primary care using semi-automatic data extraction from GPs' electronic medical records.

extraction from the electronic medical record (EMR) of general practitioners (GP s) through a comparison with a paper sheets data collection simultaneously used in a primary care research project on the ...

National surveillance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Belgian hospitals indicates rapid diversification of epidemic clones

Staphylococcus aureus Microbial Sensitivity Tests microbiology Molecular Molecular Typing MRSA Multilocus Sequence Typing n national pandemic pharmacology Population Surveillance Print Research Research Support ...

Socio-economic differences in the utilisation of health services in Belgium.

way. Patient factors may be more important than supply factors in explaining the differential use of health services. Further research needs to focus on socio-economic differences in the reasons, the ...

European risk assessor perspective on the quality of in vivo bioassays

Modified Organisms (ISBGMO) 2014, Issue ISBR (International Society for Biosafety Research), Cape Town, South Africa (2014) Abstract: As described in Regulation (EC) No. 1829/2003 on genetically modified ...

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