Search results - 226 results

The AMR-ARRAY: A modular bead array detecting β-lactam, (fluoro) quinolone, colistin, aminoglycoside and macrolide resistance determinants in Gram-negative bacteria.

its open access and easily upgradable design, with probes sequences, procedure and software source code freely available. The use of the AMR- ARRAY as a screening method in official antimicrobial ...

High-resolution melting PCR analysis for rapid genotyping of Burkholderia mallei.

genome sequences of 45 B. mallei isolates identified 3 lineages for this species. In this study, we designed a high-resolution melting (HRM) method for the screening of 15 phylogenetically informative SNP ...

Influenza A virus co-opts ERI1 exonuclease bound to histone mRNA to promote viral transcription.

that are responsible for seasonal epidemics, but the interplay between viral proteins and cellular exonucleases has never been specifically studied. Here, using a stringent interactomics screening ...

Comparative Analysis of Different Serological and Molecular Tests for the Detection of Small Ruminant Lentiviruses (SRLVs) in Belgian Sheep and Goats.

assays (ELISA s) (Elitest and ID screen kits) showed the highest sensitivities (>96%) and specificities (>95%) in both species, and their combined use allowed to correctly identify the infection ...

(Non-)Sense of Milk Testing in Small Ruminant Lentivirus Control Programs in Goats. Comparative Analysis of Antibody Detection and Molecular Diagnosis in Blood and Milk.

(ELISA s) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) in blood and corresponding milk samples from 321 goats originating from eight different SRLV-infected farms in Flanders (Belgium). The ID screen ...

Nationwide Screening for Bee Viruses and Parasites in Belgian Honey Bees.

screened 557 honey bee () colonies from 155 beekeepers distributed all over Belgium to determine the prevalence of seven widespread viruses and two parasites (sp. and sp.). Deformed wing virus B (DWV-B), ...

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