Search results - 67 results

Determination of selected veterinary antimicrobials in poultry excreta by UHPLC-MS/MS, for application in Salmonella control programs.

was selected and administered in the drinking water to two laying hens. Excreta samples were collected every 12 h during and until 2 days after treatment and analyzed using the developed method. Health ...

Comparative study of seven commercial kits for human DNA extraction from urine samples suitable for DNA biomarker-based public health studies.

is a necessity to collect urine at a moment different from the first void and to store it appropriately until analysis. The present study compared seven commercial kits to select the most appropriate ...

A two-step lyssavirus real-time polymerase chain reaction using degenerate primers with superior sensitivity to the fluorescent antigen test.

culture infectious dose. The related vesicular stomatitis virus was not recognized, confirming the selectivity for lyssaviruses. The assay was applied to follow the evolution of rabies virus infection in ...

2,4-Dialkyl-8,9,10,11-tetrahydrobenzo[g]pyrimido[4,5-c]isoquinoline-1,3,7,12(2H,4H)-tetraones as new leads against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

toxicity towards J774 A.1 macrophages. From these results, the selectivity index was calculated. Furthermore, the activity of the most promising compounds was further studied against a multi-drug resistant ...

SYBR®Green qPCR Salmonella detection system allowing discrimination at the genus, species and subspecies levels.

coding for a cytoplasmic protein. This study includes the design of primer pairs, in silico and in situ selectivity, sensitivity, repeatability and reproducibility evaluations of the seven SYBR ®Green qPCR ...

MLVA as a tool for public health surveillance of human Salmonella Typhimurium: prospective study in Belgium and evaluation of MLVA loci stability.

During a serial passage experiment on selected isolates to investigate the in vitro stability of the 5 MLVA loci, variations over time were observed for loci STTR6, STTR10, STTR5 and STTR9. This study ...

Iodine deficiency among Belgian pregnant women not fully corrected by iodine-containing multivitamins: a national cross-sectional survey.

determined, and determinants of iodine status were assessed 1 year after the introduction of bread fortified with iodised salt. The women were selected according to a multistage proportionate-to-size sampling ...

Development and validation of qualitative SYBR®Green real-time PCR for detection and discrimination of Listeria spp. and Listeria monocytogenes.

of Listeria spp. The selected primers were designed to amplify short fragments (60 to 103 bp) in order to obtain optimal PCR efficiency (between 97 and 107 % efficiency). The limit of detection of the ...

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