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Surveillance van Influenza-like illness in Belgische woonzorgcentra, 2009-2010

Accession Number: D/2010/2505/65 Keywords: 2009 2010 België griepaal syndroom Influenza-like illness Surveillance woonzorgcentra Abstract: NA Health Topics:  Griep Flu Grippe Service:  Infections liées aux ...

The impact of regular school closure on seasonal influenza epidemics: a data-driven spatial transmission model for Belgium.

reliable evaluations of closure effectiveness. They also suggest strategic policies in the distribution of holiday periods to minimize the epidemic impact. Health Topics:  Flu Griep Grippe Service ...

A general approach to identify low-frequency variants within influenza samples collected during routine surveillance.

SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, this study suggests that the current relevance of LFV for routine influenza surveillance programmes might be undervalued. Health Topics:  Flu Griep Grippe Service:  Activités ...

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