Search results - 66 results

Validation of the Dutch-Flemish translated ABCD questionnaire to measure cardiovascular diseases knowledge and risk perception among adults

fit statistics were evaluated. Furthermore, exploratory and confirmatory factorial validity, and internal consistency measures were explored. Descriptive statistics showed that both the knowledge and ...

Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 in people with cystic fibrosis in Europe between February and June 2020.

rates of intensive care, although not statistically significant. Most pwCF recovered (96.2%), however 5 died, of whom 3 were lung transplant recipients. The case fatality rate for pwCF (3.85%, 95% CI: ...

Assessing polypharmacy in the older population: Comparison of a self‐reported and prescription based method

polypharmacy (use or prescription ≥5 medicines) and excessive polypharmacy (≥10 medicines) between both sources was assessed with kappa statistics. Multinomial logistic regression was used to study determinants ...

Recommendations to plan a national burden of disease study

profiles with national health statistics. Conclusions These recommendations as minimum requirements would facilitate efforts by those European countries who intend to perform national BoD studies. Health ...

Conducting national burden of disease studies in small countries in Europe– a feasible challenge?

institutes of public health, statistical offices and other bodies. Hence, DALY s can be estimated at a national level through the combination of the YLL and YLD  information. On the other hand, small countries ...

The Cost of Diets According to Nutritional Quality and Sociodemographic Characteristics: A Population-Based Assessment in Belgium

ConsumerScan Panel food price data. Statistical analyses performed: Associations were estimated using linear regressions. Results: The mean daily diet cost was US $6.51 (standard error of mean [SEM] US $0.08; ...

Organisation of Multi-Mycotoxin Proficiency Tests: Evaluation of the Performances of the Laboratories Using the Triple A Rating Approach

Europe, Canada, and the United States. The obtained datasets were computed using robust statistics. The outliers were checked and removed, and the toxin concentrations were assigned as the consensus value ...

Comparing health insurance data and health interview survey data for ascertaining chronic disease prevalence in Belgium.

statistic was also calculated. Participants’ sociodemographic and health status characteristics associated with agreement were tested using logistic regression for each CD. RESULTS: Prevalence from BCHI data ...

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