Search results - 92 results

Applicability of the DPRA on mixture testing: challenges and opportunities.

molecular initiating event of skin sensitization induction. According to OECD TG 442C, the DPRA is technically applicable to test multi-constituent substances and mixtures of known composition, even though ...

Linking nanomaterial-induced mitochondrial dysfunction to existing adverse outcome pathways for chemicals.

(AOP) framework plays a crucial role in the paradigm shift of toxicity testing towards the development and use of new approach methodologies. AOP s developed for chemicals are in theory applicable to ...

Novel prediction models for genotoxicity based on biomarker genes in human HepaRG™ cells.

misleading positive chemicals exposed at their IC10 concentration was determined. In addition, the applicability of both prediction models on a publicly available gene expression dataset, generated with ...

Application of the Nagoya Protocol to veterinary pathogens: concerns for the control of foot-and-mouth disease.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Horsington, Jacquelyn; Abbeloos, Elke; Kassimi, Labib Bakkali; Boonsuya Seeyo, Kingkarn; Capozzo, Alejandra V; Chepkwony, Eunice; Eblé, Phaedra; Galdo-Novo, Sabrina; Gizaw, Daniel; Gouverneur, Li ...

Development of a multiplex-based immunoassay for the characterization of diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis antigens in human combined DTaP vaccines.

well as batch to batch consistency of vaccines from both manufacturers brought the proof of concept for a future application of the multiplex immunoassay as a useful tool in the frame of DT aP vaccine ...

Foundation of the Belgian Society for Viruses of Microbes and Meeting Report of Its Inaugural Symposium.

launched by international keynote speakers: (1) virus-host interactions, (2) viral ecology, evolution and diversity and (3) present and future applications. During the one-day symposium, four invited keynote ...

Comparison and validation of metadta for meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies.

procedures dedicated to the meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies; (midas [Stata], metandi [Stata], metaDTA [web application], mada [R], and MetaDAS [SAS]). We also demonstrate how to perform ...

Targeted Chromosomal Barcoding Establishes Direct Genotype-Phenotype Associations for Antibiotic Resistance in Mycobacterium abscessus.

original isolate, from which the D29A mutation was identified. Finally, to demonstrate the broad applicability of this method, we confirmed the association of bedaquiline resistance with the A64P mutation in ...

Development of a Droplet Digital PCR to Monitor SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant BA.2 in Wastewater Samples

applicability of the proposed RT-ddPCR method was evaluated to monitor and quantify the emergence of the BA.2 variant over time. To validate this assay as a proof of concept, the measurement of the proportion of ...

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