Search results - 964 results

Phage-Mediated Digestive Decolonization in a Gut-On-A-Chip Model: A Tale of Gut-Specific Bacterial Prosperity.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Van Nieuwenhuyse, Brieuc; Merabishvili, Maya; Goeders, Nathalie; Vanneste, Kevin; Bogaerts, Bert; de Jode, Mathieu; Ravau, Joachim; ...

Automatic detection of airborne pollen: an overview

traditionally been carried out using manual methods first developed in the early 1950s. Although this technique has been recently standardised, it suffers from several draw-backs, notably data usually only being ...

Two cases of congenital lipomatosis in calves.

(2024) Keywords: calves CONGENITAL lipomatosis Abstract: Fetal tumours in domestic animals are considered rare. Congenital lipomatous changes have been sporadically reported in fetal, neonatal and young ...

Herpes zoster in Belgium: a new solution to an old problem

clinical trials that has since been confirmed in real-world effectiveness studies. In clinical trials, protection was sustained for at least 10 years after vaccination. As of 1 November 2023, RZV is ...

Characterisation and Hazard identification of substandard and Falsified Antimicrobial Drugs. The CantiBio project 2016-2020

comply with bio-burden testing, and one out of three injectable samples failed sterility testing with contamination of neurotoxin producing Penicillium crustosum. Moreover, it has been found that four out ...

Thirty years of epidemiological surveillance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Belgian hospitals: are we able to keep on lowering the curve?

guidelines (2004), more focused screening policies and multidrug resistant microorganism carrier studies in LTCF shave been pivotal in mitigating the impact of MRSA in Belgian healthcare facilities. From 2000 ...

Guideline VBRN: Best Practice Guide for Electronic Platforms

enter the European market, in line with EU Regulation EU 2019/6. In pursuit of efficiency, transparency, and traceability, there has been a growing interest among OMCL s in developing electronic platforms ...

EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2023

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Arno Pauwels; Claire Demoury; Eva M De Clercq; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium, ...

Maintaining the quality of vaccines through the use of standards: Current challenges and future opportunities.

practices in the development and implementation of standards. Although the use of international standards (IS s) and international units (IU s) has been an essential part of ensuring human and animal vaccine ...

PRRSV-Vaccinated, Seronegative Sows and Maternally Derived Antibodies (II): Impact on PRRSV-1 Vaccine Effectiveness and Challenge Outcomes in Piglets.

Syndrome virus (PRRSV) is widely practiced in both sows and piglets. However, it has been shown that multivaccinated sows sometimes lack a detectable antibody response, testing seronegative in ELISA ...

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