Search results - 27 results

Inclusion body disease in snakes: a review and description of three cases in boa constrictors in Belgium.

p.757-60 (2006) Keywords: Animals Arachnid Vectors Belgium Boidae Diagnosis, Differential Inclusion Bodies, Viral Microscopy, Electron, Transmission Mites Myeloid Cells prevalence Prognosis Retroviridae ...

Evaluation of the immunogenicity of pBudCE4.1 plasmids encoding mycolyl-transferase Ag85A and phosphate transport receptor PstS-3 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

mice challenged with Mtb. In order to combine the protection against Mtb infection induced by these two DNA vaccines, we have cloned Ag85A and PstS-3 in pBudCE4.1 vector, in which antigenic expression is ...

Development of bovine herpesvirus 4 as an expression vector using bacterial artificial chromosome cloning35

Complement Inactivator Proteins Development disease Diseases Escherichia coli EVALUATION expression Faculty Features Functional Genetic Vectors genetics Genome Herpesvirus 4,Bovine i im immunology Infectious ...

Transmission of classical swine fever. A review.

Swine Fever Disease Transmission, Infectious Disease Vectors Female Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical Male Pregnancy Swine Abstract: Classical swine fever (CSF) is one of the most important viral ...

Biodiversity and human health: mechanisms and evidence of the positive health effects of diversity in nature and green spaces.

been associated with both reduced and increased vector-borne disease risk. Growing points: Biodiversity supports ecosystem services mitigating heat, noise and air pollution, which all mediate the ...

Putative Role of Arthropod Vectors in African Swine Fever Virus Transmission in Relation to Their Bio-Ecological Properties.

diseases in Suidae due to its significant health and socioeconomic consequences and represents a major threat to the European pig industry, especially in the absence of any available treatment or vaccine. In ...

Vaccine effectiveness against infection and onwards transmission of COVID-19: Analysis of Belgian contact tracing data, January-June 2021.

number of viral-vector vaccines included limited interpretability. Health Topics:  Post-authorisation surveillance of COVID-19 vaccines Post-autorisatie surveillance van COVID-19 vaccins Surveillance ...

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