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Search results - 206 results

Dietary silver nanoparticles can disturb the gut microbiota in mice.

RESULTS: No overall toxicity was recorded in mice exposed to Ag NP. Ag NP disturbed bacterial evenness (α-diversity) and populations (β-diversity) in a dose-dependent manner. Ag NP increased the ratio ...

Overview of spatio-temporal distribution inferred by multi-locus sequence typing of Taylorella equigenitalis isolated worldwide from 1977 to 2018 in equidae

heterogeneity was low (0.13 ST s/strain) despite the wide diversity of geographical origins (n = 16), isolation years (1977-2018) and equine breeds (n = 18). It was highest outside Europe and in the 1977-1997 ...

A general approach to identify low-frequency variants within influenza samples collected during routine surveillance.

exhibit considerable diversity between hosts. Additionally, different quasispecies can be found within the same host. High-throughput sequencing technologies can be used to sequence a patient-derived virus ...

Final report: MY DNA, EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS? Qualitative analysis of the belgian citizen forum on the use of genomic information

Abstract: Rapid advances in personalized medicine and genomic technologies increase the number and diversity of situations where citizens have to make complex and personal choices about the use of their ...

Occurrence of Perillaldehyde and Other (Suspected) Genotoxic Flavoring Substances in Water-Based Beverages Consumed by Belgian Children

for diverse water-based beverages. Thirty flavoring substances out of the 38 targeted were validated, showing good analytical performances and confirming the versatility of the SAFE technique. The ...

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