Search results - 113 results


Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Mycologie et aérobiologie Mycologie en aerobiologie Mycology and aerobiology Full text language:  English ...

Dermatophyte ID: pros and cons. MALDI-TOF workshop.

environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Mycologie et aérobiologie Mycologie en aerobiologie Mycology and aerobiology Full text language:  English Category:  C31 FOS Classification:  ...

Identification of moulds of the Fusarium genus; how useful is MALDI-TOF MS?

19th ISHAM Congress, NA, Issue ISHAM, NA (2015) Keywords: Congresses Fusarium identification IS MALDI-TOF MALDI-TOF MS Moulds MS Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid ...

Analysis of the short-term effect of pollen and spore exposure on allergy medication sales

Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, ISEE, São Paulo, Brazil (2015) Keywords: allergy medication exposure pollen sales spores Abstract: Allergic rhinitis takes a heavy toll ...

Agronomic Practices for Improving Gentle Remediation of Trace Element-Contaminated Soils.

Biodegradation, Environmental Plants Soil Pollutants Trace Elements Abstract: The last few decades have seen the rise of Gentle soil Remediation Options (GRO), which notably include in situ contaminant ...

Activiteitenrapport WIV 2013-2014

and environment Food consumption and food safety Health and disease monitoring Quality of healthcare Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of medical laboratories ...

Rapport d'activités ISP 2013-2014

Topics:  Health and environment Food consumption and food safety Health and disease monitoring Quality of healthcare Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of medical ...

Towards population genomics and metagenomics in agriculture and marine environments

Ruttink, Tom Source: BIG N2N annual symposium, Gent, Belgium (2015) Keywords: Towards population genomics and metagenomics in agriculture and marine environments Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé ...

Bio-incident notification as a tool to enhance biosafety

Unit (SBB) of the Belgian Scientific Institute of Public Health (WIV- ISP) has recently conducted an online survey concerning LAI s over whole Belgium (Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et ...

50 Hz electric and magnetic fields and health: which message to the public?

environmental exposure health Health Education Humans magnetic fields Power Plants Radiation Dosage Abstract: Scientific data of effects of 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields on health are inconclusive. This ...

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