Search results - 173 results

The Belgian physiotherapy reimbursement criteria for fall prevention fails in screening appropriately fall-prone community-dwelling older adults

adults Physiotherapy Prediction Abstract: OBJECTIVES: The incidence of falling in older adults has remained unchanged over the past decades, despite evidence-based prevention initiatives. Therefore, it is ...

Oncolytic Viruses: An Inventory of Shedding Data from Clinical Trials and Elements for the Environmental Risk Assessment.

assessment (ERA). An important element to be assessed as part of the ERA is the incidence of exposure to OV of individuals, other than the trial subjects, and the environment. The evidence-based evaluation of ...

Intra- and interlaboratory reproducibility of the RIATOL qPCR HPV genotyping assay.

Results Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Abstract: The implementation of cervical screening based on human papillomavirus (HPV) continues to progress rapidly across countries. Evidence has shown that assays ...

Reducing the Burden on Animals and the Heart: An Evidence-Based Approach to Cardiotoxicity Assessment

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Alexandra Schaffert; Sivakumar Murugadoss; Birgit Mertens; Tom Roos; Ronette Gehring; Nunzia Linzalone; Gabriele Donzelli; Martin Paparella Source: 12th World Congress on Alternative ...

Developing evidence-informed indicators to monitor HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis programmes across EU/EEA countries: a multi-stakeholder consensus

of PrEP.  However, there is a lack of commonly defined indicators for routine monitoring to allow for minimum comparability. We propose a harmonised PrEP monitoring approach for the  EU / EEA, based on ...

Certainty of the Global Burden of Disease 2019 modelled prevalence estimates for musculoskeletal conditions: A meta-epidemiological study

neck pain (NP), and knee osteoarthritis (OA), from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Spain, and Switzerland. To evaluate the certainty of the GBD modelled prevalence evidence. Primary studies were identified ...

NextGEM: Next-Generation Integrated Sensing and Analytical System for Monitoring and Assessing Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Health.

bands and developing and validating tools for evidence-based risk assessment. Finally, NextGEM’s Innovation and Knowledge Hub (NIKH) will offer a standardized way for European regulatory authorities and ...

EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders

to tackle the objective of EB oD- FL and to apply the CRA methodology to the stressors that are prioritized. Additionally, possibilities for the application of the results for evidence-based policy are ...

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