Search results - 15 results

Management and 6-month outcome of patients with diabetic foot problems: results from a nationwide quality improvement initiative between 2005 and 2014

Background: We describe the implementation and results of an audit-feedback quality improvement (QI) initiative in Belgian diabetic foot clinics (DFC s). Methods: Using self-developed software and ...

Analytical performances of food microbiology laboratories- critical analysis of 7 years of proficiency testing results

Microbiology feedback food Food Microbiology health Hypothesis im Impact Improvement Institute IS journal Laboratories Life method methods microbiology Observation ON PARTICIPANTS Participation pathogen ...

The German and Belgian accreditation models for diabetic foot services.

in an audit-feedback initiative. Although originally fully independent of each other, the common goal of these two initiatives is quality improvement of national diabetic foot care, and hence exchanges ...

Negative determinants of diabetic foot ulcer healing: 6-month follow-up of a large multicentre cohort

periodical audits and feedback (anonymous benchmarking). [1] Methods: In 2011, 32 Belgian DFC s followed 1528 patients with a DFU of Wagner grade 2 or more for six months or until healing, major amputation or ...

Résultats de la 6e campagne nationale pour la promotion de l'hygiène des mains dans les hôpitaux 2014-2015

compatible with wireless tablets and provides real-time performance feedback to the hospitals [9]. A total of 152/193 (78.7%) hospitals delivered before (pre) campaign compliance observations (123 acute care ...

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