Search results - 323 results

Report on initial findings of on-site diagnostic tests and IT solutions for human clinical, veterinary and environmental samples for early warning of emerging resistant pathogens

et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Activités transversales en génomique appliquée Transversale activiteiten in toegepaste genomica Transversal activities in applied genomics Manuscript ...

Daily heart rate characteristics, allergy symptom severity and mood in adults with allergic rhinitis Abstract: Background: Adults with allergic rhinitis experience elevated resting heart rates and altered heart rate variability in comparison to healthy peers. However, no information is available on ...

Sentinel-2 Satellite and Hysplit Model Show that Local Cereal Harvesting Substantially Contributes to Peak Alternaria Spore Concentrations

contribution of cereal harvesting to peak Alternaria spore concentrations. Daily Alternaria spores were collected using Hirst-type traps in 12 sites in Europe for the period 2016-2018. Hybrid Single-Particle ...

Quality control and correction method for air temperature data from a citizen science weather station network in Leuven, Belgium

trend toward urbanisation and the increasingly frequent occurrence of extreme weather events emphasise the need for further monitoring and understanding of weather in cities. In order to gain information ...

Belgium improves CBRNe preparedness through monitoring

Netherlands (2022) Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Health and environment Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Santé et environnement Gezondheid en ...

Validity of self-reported data to assess the prevalence of overweight, hypertension and cholesterol

evidence-based prevention programs. In Belgium, this is assessed through self-reported (SR) data from the Belgian health interview surveys (BHIS) in a wide population sample or through objective measures from ...

A qualitative approach to experiential knowledge identified in focus groups aimed at co-designing a provocation test in the study of electrohypersensitivity

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Jimmy, Bordarie; Maël, Dieudonné; M. Ledent; Nicolas, Prignot Source: Annals of Medicine, Volume 54, Issue 1 (2022) Keywords: Contested illnesses Electromagnetic hypersensitivity focus groups IEI ...

Residential green space in association with the methylation status in a CpG site within the promoter region of the placental serotonin receptor HTR2A

these associations are already evident during foetal development. Similar biological signals shape the developmental processes in the foetal brain and placenta.Therefore, we hypothesize that green space ...

Surveillance van de mortaliteit door alle oorzaken in België, Vlaanderen, Wallonië en Brussel tijdens de zomer van 2019. Be-MOMO The Belgian Mortality Monitoring.

(2022) Accession Number: D/2021/14.440/89 Keywords: Be-MOMO Excess mortality mortality Surveillance Abstract: Over de hele zomerperiode van 2019 zijn er in België 39 977 sterfgevallen vastgesteld, wat ...

Surveillance van de mortaliteit door alle oorzaken in België, Vlaanderen, Wallonië en Brussel in de winter van 2019-2020. Be-MOMO The Belgian Mortality Monitoring

mortality Surveillance Abstract: In de winterperiode 2019-2020 zijn er 75 441 sterfgevallen geregistreerd. Dit komt overeen met een oversterfte van 11,7% ten opzichte van het verwachte aantal sterfgevallen. ...

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