Search results - 25 results

Metaanalysis of the accuracy of rapid prescreening relative to full screening of pap smears.

Smears Abstract: BACKGROUND: Efficient quality assurance and improvement measures are essential ingredients in a well organized cytology-based program for cervical carcinoma screening. Various pap smear ...

Immediate referral to colposcopy versus cytological surveillance for minor cervical cytological abnormalities in the absence of HPV test.

squamous intra-epithelial lesions (LSIL /mild dyskaryosis). DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: The primary outcome measure studied was the occurrence of cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (CIN). The secondary ...

Cost-DALY comparison of hip replacement care in 12 Belgian hospitals

the entire care chain using a comparable unit of measurement. The hospital’s case mix index must also be considered in benchmarking to avoid drawing the wrong conclusions. In addition, other indicators, ...

IPAAC Rapport WP4: Cancer control policy interview survey

A recurrent issue concerns the sustainability of primary prevention actions. A vicious circle exists due to the difficulty in measuring short-term impacts, which in turn, does not provide support for the ...

A multidisciplinary Delphi consensus to define evidence-based quality indicators for diabetic foot ulcer care.

Delphi Technique diabetic foot ulcer quality indicators quality of care Abstract: Background: Valid measures to assess quality of care delivered to patients with diabetes suffering from diabetic foot ulcer ...

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