Search results - 56 results

In vitro model to study the endocrine disrupting activity of migration products from plastic food contact materials

luciferase gene, as a reporter gene, and a DNA responsive element specific to the human oestrogen receptor. The biological activity of a chemical compound is monitored by the measurement of light emitted by ...

Mercury and cadmium levels in Belgian children and their mothers

pilot study was set up involving 17 European countries. The biomonitoring study consisted in measuring in each participating country the level of some environmental pollutant biomarkers in children and ...

Alleviating ecological bias in linking radon exposure to health outcomes.

measurement method methodology methods MODEL models need outcome outcomes radon RANGE RATES regression relative Relative risk risk SKIN study use VARIABILITY Vector Abstract: Background Health Topics:  Health ...

Childhood Leukaemia incidence around the Belgian nuclear sites: Surrogate exposure modelling.

International IS Less leukaemia limitation Limitations living measure measures method methods MODEL models Multiple nuclear site Nuclear sites ON Paper period plant Plants POPULATION Populations region REGISTRIES ...

A biomonitoring survey of the residents and the rescue workers for acrylonitrile after the train disaster in Wetteren (Belgium)

exposure INFORMATION IS living measure method methods nonsmokers objectives observed ON Participation past pattern People person POPULATION Populations PRODUCTS public public health Public-health ...

Scientific opinion on the risk for public health related to the presence of mercury and methylmercury in food

Europe European European Commission exposure food Food Additives Hair health Increase INFORMATION Inhalation Exposure intake IS LEVEL levels measure measures mercury NUTRITION observed ON outcome outcomes ...

Mutagenicity, antimutagenicity and cytotoxicity evaluation of South African Podocarpus species

of toxicity, as was observed from these extracts. These findings will help in assessing the safety measures to be considered in the use of these species and also the need to determine the cytotoxic ...

A dynamic model to calculate cadmium concentrations in bovine tissues from basic soil characteristics.

drinking water, sampled at the farms were the bovines were reared. Validation of the model occurred with a second set of measured tissue Cd concentrations of 93 bovines of which age and farm location were ...

Determination of the volume-specific surface area by using transmission electron tomography for characterization and definition of nanomaterials.

feasibility to visualize and measure silica and gold NM in suspension using conventional bright field electron tomography. RESULTS: The general morphology of gold and silica NM was visualized in 3D by ...

Physical characteristics of the back are not predictive of low back pain in healthy workers: a prospective study.

Study Group Source: BMC Musculoskelet Disord, Volume 10, p.2 (2009) Keywords: Adult Back Cohort Studies comorbidity Female Humans Low Back Pain Male Mass Screening Obesity Pain Measurement Physical ...

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