Search results - 311 results

Methodological basics and evolution of the Belgian health interview survey 1997-2008.

to be accounted for in data-analysis. METHODS: The BHIS targets all persons residing in Belgium with no restrictions on age or nationality. Trimestral copies of the National Population Registry are ...

Communicating genetics and smoking through social media: are we there yet?

(ie, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter) and (2) to assess the type and the content of the information displayed on the social media as well as the profile of people publishing this information. METHODS: We ...

Development and assessment of national performance indicators for infection prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship in European long-term care facilities.

against these NPI s. METHODS: Previously established European standards were the basis for consensus and the same iterative approach with national representatives from the 32 countries. A World Health ...

Obstacles in measles elimination: an in-depth description of a measles outbreak in Ghent, Belgium, spring 2011.

describes the outbreak and evaluates the control measures and interventions. METHODS: Data collection was done through the system of mandatory notification of the public health authority. Vaccination coverage ...

Household composition and suicidal behaviour in the adult population of Belgium.

the prevalence of suicidal behaviours, i.e. ideation and attempt, in the adult population of Belgium, and to explore their association with household composition. METHODS: Data of 4,459 adults ...

From multidrug- to extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis: upward trends as seen from a 15-year nationwide study.

represents an enormous challenge to Public Health globally. METHODS: Progression towards XDR- TB was investigated in Belgium, a country with a typically low TB incidence, by analyzing the magnitude, ...

Environmental and genomic factors as well as interventions influencing smoking cessation: a systematic review of reviews and a proposed working model.

incorporating the different factors influencing SC were our main objectives. METHODS: Two systematic reviews were conducted using articles in English from the Cochrane library, PubMed and HuGENet from January ...

Prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care units: an international online survey.

a potentially preventable ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Our objective was to survey attitudes and practices of ICU s doctors in the field of VAP  prevention. METHODS: A questionnaire was made available ...

Gender differences in healthy life years within the EU: an exploration of the "health-survival" paradox.

mortality advantage versus women’s disability disadvantage. METHODS: Disability prevalence was measured from the 2006 Survey on Income and Living Conditions in 25 European countries. Disability prevalence was ...

Diagnostic technology: alternative sampling methods for collection of urine specimens in older adults

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Katrien Latour; Plüddemann, A; Thompson, M; Boudewijn Catry; Price, CP; Heneghan, C; Buntinx, F Source: Family Medicine and Community Health, Volume 1, Issue 2 (2013) Keywords: older adults Urina ...

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