Search results - 48 results

Statistical framework for detection of Genetically Modified Organisms based on Next Generation Sequencing

number and diversity of genetically modified (GM) crops has significantly increased, their analysis based on real-time PCR (qPCR) methods is becoming increasingly complex and laborious. While several ...

Development and application of a non-target extraction method for the analysis of migrating compounds from plastic baby bottles by GC-MS.

contact food contact material food contact materials Foods GC-MS identification IS legislation Less Mass method Migration milk MS need Non-target observed ON organic Pa pattern PATTERNS perceived plastics ...

Guidelines for optimisation of a multiplex oligonucleotide ligation-PCR for characterisation of microbial pathogens in a microsphere suspension array.

targeted bacterial species, evaluation of the method of DNA isolation, the probe concentration, the amount of microspheres, and the concentration of reporter dye is advisable in the development of any MOL- ...

Low-calorie sweeteners in food and food supplements on the Italian market.

samples were analysed via UPLC- MS / MS. The method was in-house validated for the analysis of seven LCS s (aspartame, acesulfame-K, saccharin, sucralose, cyclamate, neotame and neohesperidin ...

Determination of selected veterinary antimicrobials in poultry excreta by UHPLC-MS/MS, for application in Salmonella control programs.

zoonotic Salmonella spp. To uncover illicit use, an analytical method using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC- MS / MS) for the determination of antimicrobial ...

Development and validation of an ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method to measure creatinine in human urine.

methods, an accurate determination of this compound remains challenging. Especially with the novel trend to assess biomarkers on large sample sets preserved in biobanks, a simple and fast method that could ...

New trait-specific qualitative SYBR®Green qPCR methods to expand the panel of GMO screening methods used in the CoSYPS

European Food Research and Technology, Volume 241, Issue 2 (2015) Keywords: New qualitative trait-specific SYBR®Green qPCR methods to expand the panel of GMO screening methods used in the CoSYPS Abstract: ...

Fast and discriminative CoSYPS detection system of viable Salmonella spp. and Listeria spp. in carcass swab samples.

validation, the results of the complete workflow were compared, according to the ISO 16140:2003, with the ISO reference methods for detection, isolation and confirmation of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella ...

Genetic diversity of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 : H7 recovered from human and food sources.

significant concordance (P <0.05) between the LSPA-6 assay and the other typing methods. Multivariable regression analysis suggested that tir (255T) was the most distinctive genotype that can be used to ...

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