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Search results - 39 results

Comparison of different approaches to evaluate External Quality Assessment Data.

Value of Tests Quality Assurance, Health Care Sample Size Abstract: In EQA programs, Z-scores are used to evaluate laboratory performance. They should indicate poorly performing laboratories, regardless ...

Development and validation of a ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-UV method for the detection and quantification of erectile dysfunction drugs and some of their analogues found in counterfeit medicines.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Sacré, Pierre-Yves; Eric Deconinck; Chiap, Patrice; Crommen, Jacques; Mansion, François; Rozet, Eric; Patricia Courselle; De Beer, Jacques O Source: J Chromatogr A, Volume 1218, Issue 37, p.6439- ...

Detection of counterfeit Viagra® by Raman microspectroscopy imaging and multivariate analysis.

components of each sample are assembled. The exploratory and classification analysis are performed on that matrix. PCA was applied as exploratory analysis tool on different spectral ranges to detect ...

Impurity fingerprints for the identification of counterfeit medicines--a feasibility study.

Following exploratory analysis of the data, two classification algorithms were applied and compared. In our study, the k-nearest neighbour classifier offered the best performance in terms of correct ...

A new statistical method for evaluating long-term analytical performance of laboratories applied to an external quality assessment scheme for flow cytometry.

Cytometry evaluates the long-term analytical performance of participating laboratories by calculating a regression line between the target and reported values of each parameter for each laboratory during the ...

Current practices in antinuclear antibody testing: results from the Belgian External Quality Assessment Scheme.

Laboratories and illustrate the important value of a national EQAS for ANA testing as a tool to improve performance and interlaboratory comparability of laboratory results. Health Topics:  Effectiveness and ...

Physical profiling and IR spectroscopy: simple and effective methods to discriminate between genuine and counterfeit samples of Viagra® and Cialis®.

99.42% for Cialis®). Moreover, CART confirmed the observation that mass and long length are the key physical characteristics which determine the observed discrimination. IR analysis was performed on ...

Suicide mortality in Belgium at the beginning of the 21st century: differences according to migrant background.

background, indirect standardisation analyses were carried out. To assess relative differences, Cox proportional hazards models were performed. Analyses were restricted to 18- to 64-year-olds. Results: Belgian ...

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