Search results - 38 results

Dietary exposure assessment and risk characterization of citrinin and ochratoxin A in Belgium

OTA using a validated liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method. Daily CIT and OTA exposure to the Belgian population was calculated based on the analytical results and food consumption data ...

Carry-over of some Fusarium mycotoxins in tissues and eggs of chickens fed experimentally mycotoxin-contaminated diets

respectively. These transfers were fully eliminated 9–10 days after feeding the control diet again. These results indicate the transfer of ENN B, ENN B1  and BEA from feed to chicken offal, meat products and eggs ...

Efficient control of Japanese encephalitis virus in the central nervous system of infected pigs occurs in the absence of a pronounced inflammatory immune response.

nervous system (CNS), resulting in a detrimental outcome. Pigs act as important amplification and reservoir hosts, and JEV infection of pigs is mostly subclinical. Information on virus spread in the CNS and ...

Phylogeography of Human and Animal Strains: Genetic Fingerprinting of Q Fever in Belgium.

likely linked to specific genomic groups (SNP1 / MLVA B and SNP6 / MLVA C) mostly found in small ruminant strains. Considering the concordance between Belgian and European results, these considerations ...

Complex Circulation of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus in Cattle in Nigeria.

strains. The role of African buffaloes in the etiology of FMD in Nigeria is unclear, and sampling of wildlife is needed. The results of the present study suggest that systematic sample collection is ...

Experimental evidence of mechanical lumpy skin disease virus transmission by Stomoxys calcitrans biting flies and Haematopota spp. horseflies.

transmission by Haematopota spp. was shown in one experiment. Evidence of LSD was supported by induction of nodules and virus detection in the blood of acceptor animals. Our results are supportive for ...

Longitudinal monitoring of Culicoides in Belgium between 2007 and 2011: local variation in population dynamics parameters warrant cautious use of monitoring data.

biting midges were collected with OVI black light traps set-up in close proximity to livestock. RESULTS: In total, 42 different Culicoides species were morphologically identified. Species of the subgenus ...

Porcine NK Cells Stimulate Proliferation of Pseudorabies Virus-Experienced CD8 and CD4CD8 T Cells.

stimulate proliferation of CD8 and CD4CD8 PRV-experienced T cells. These results highlight the potential of targeting these NK cell features in future vaccination strategies. Health Topics:  Animal health ...

Seroprevalence and risk factors related to small ruminant lentivirus infections in Belgian sheep and goats.

Maedi-Visna virus (MVV) and caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) are two prototype members of the group of small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV s). Both result in progressive and persistent infections of ...

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