Search results - 181 results

The potential of food environment policies to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in diets and to improve healthy diets among lower socioeconomic groups: an umbrella review.

“Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews” quality rating scale showed that review quality was mainly low or critically low. Results suggest that food taxation may reduce socioeconomic ...

Guidance in selecting analytical techniques for identification and quantification of non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) in food contact materials (FCMS)

different results and it can be difficult to make meaningful comparisons. The initial approach was to attempt to prepare a prescriptive methodology but as this proved impossible; this paper develops ...

Pharmacokinetics of Oral Rebaudioside A in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Effects on Glucose Homeostasis: A Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trial

Results In total, 30 subjects [63.5 (57.8–69.0) years of age, 86.7% male] completed the trial. Rebaudioside A was detected as early as 1 h after administration in nearly all subjects. As expected, steviol ...

Market concentration and the healthiness of packaged food and non-alcoholic beverage sales across the European single market

product subcategory level. Results: Increased market concentration with a country and a product category fixed effect significantly predicted increased sales of ultra-processed packaged food products. There ...

Combined carbon and health taxes outperform single-purpose information or fiscal measures in designing sustainable food policies

the resulting impact on greenhouse gas emissions and dietary health. Our results show that while information on the carbon and/or health characteristics of food is relevant, the imposition of taxes ...

In Vivo Kinetics and Biotransformation of Aflatoxin B1 in Dairy Cows Based on the Establishment of a Reliable UHPLC-MS/MS MethodDataSheet1.docx

more than 2 days. The carry-over rate of AFM1  in milk during the continuous ingestion experiment was in the range of 1.15–2.30% at a steady state. The in vivo kinetic results indicated that AFB1 ...

Ten-year changes in diet quality among adolescents and young adults (Food Consumption Survey 2004 and 2014, Belgium).

and nutrients were explored in multiple linear regressions stratified by survey year and age group. RESULTS: The weighted mean daily FSA m- NPS- DI significantly increased between 2004 and 2014 [2004: ...

Estimated effects of the implementation of the Mexican warning labels regulation on the use of health and nutrition claims on packaged foods.

front-of-pack labelling regulation, the effect on the reduction on the prevalence of health and nutrition claims was estimated by type of food and by energy and nutrients of concern thresholds. RESULTS: Of 17,264 ...

Adjunct Culture of Non-Starter Lactic Acid Bacteria for the Production of Provola Dei Nebrodi PDO Cheese: In Vitro Screening and Pilot-Scale Cheese-Making.

strains, included in the qualified presumption of safety (QPS) list, were tested for technological and proteinase/peptidase activities. Results showed that technological features and flavour formation ...

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