Classical swine fever: comparison of oronasal immunisation with CP7E2alf marker and C-strain vaccines in domestic pigs.

Last updated on 22-8-2019 by Anonymous (not verified)

Peer reviewed scientific article



Effective oronasal vaccination against classical swine fever (CSF) is essential to achieve protection in wild boar. However the currently available live CSF vaccines, e.g. C-strain, do not allow serological differentiation between infected and vaccinated animals (DIVA). A modified live marker vaccine candidate (CP7E2alf) has been recently developed (Reimann et al., 2004). This communication reports the comparison of CP7E2alf and C-strain virus vaccines during 98 days following oronasal immunisation in domestic pigs. C-strain vaccine virus was consistently detected in tonsils of all (n=30) a…

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