Last updated on 22-12-2021 by Tinne Lernout
Public Access
Geertruida Bekkering; Nicolas Delvaux; Patrik Vankrunkelsven; Toelen, Jaan; Sigrid Aertgeerts; Sofie Crommen; Pedro De Bruyckere; Ignaas Devisch; Tinne Lernout; Katrien Masschalck; Nore Milissen; Molenberghs, Geert; Annelies Pascal; Oscar Plomteux; Marc Raes; Lise Rans; Alexandra Seghers; Lode Sweldens; Jeroen Vandenbussche; Guido Vanham; Elke Wollants; Bert AertgeertsKeywords
Background: In Belgium, schools closed during the first lockdown in March 2020, with a partial reopening in May. They fully reopened in September. During the summer, infections started to increase in the general population, speeding up in September. Some measures were taken to limit social contacts but those were insufficient to mitigate the exponential rise of infections in October. Children were still receiving all lessons at school at that time and it was questioned whether this position was tenable. We systematically compared the benefits and harms of closing primary and secondary schoo…