Evaluation of five immunoassays for detection of Chlamydia psittaci in cloacal and conjunctival specimens from turkeys9199

Last updated on 22-8-2019 by Anonymous (not verified)

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article



Five commercially available immunoassays were evaluated for the detection of Chlamydia psittaci in cloacal and conjunctival swabs from industrially raised turkeys: IMAGEN (DAKO Diagnostics, Ely, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom), Chlamydia CEL-VET IF (Cellabs, Brookvale, Australia), IDEIA (DAKO Diagnostics), CELISA (Cellabs), and CLEARVIEW (Unipath, Bedford, United Kingdom). Results were compared with isolation in Buffalo Green Monkey cells as a reference method. For the conjunctival samples, the sensitivities of the IMAGEN test, the Chlamydia CEL-VET IF test, the IDEIA, the CELISA, and the C…

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