Last updated on 12-7-2024 by Cassandre Dugailliez Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products - Quality of medical laboratories Download 2.69 MBPublic AccessPublished Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Dutch Translation also available in: Health, well-being and drug use among persons in prison. Belgian results of the PRS-20 project 2021-2023 Santé, bien-être etconsommation de drogues chez les personnes incarcérées. Résultats belges du projet PRS-20 2021-2023 SCIENSANO AuthorsE Plettinckx; Nina Harth; Stefaan De Smedt; L. Gremeaux; Nicky Dirkx Keywords Article written during project(s) : Associated health topics: Illicit drugs