Investigation of potential migratables from paper and board food contact materialsTable1.docxTable2.docxTable3.docxTable4.docxTable5.docxTable6.docxTable7.docxTable8.docxTable9.docx

Last updated on 5-2-2024 by Mélanie Di Mario

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article




Since the ban on single-use plastic articles in Europe, the food contact material (FCM) industry has been forced to move to more sustainable alternatives. Paper and board FCM are convenient alternatives but must be safe for consumers. This study aims to investigate potential migrations of various substances (e.g., plasticizers, photoinitiators, primary aromatic amines, mineral oil, and bisphenols) from straws and takeaway articles made of paper and board. Twenty straws and fifty-eight takeaway articles were carefully selected and investigated using liquid and gas chromatography coupl…

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