Last updated on 14-12-2024 by Brecht Devleesschauwer
Tatjana T. Makovski; Jinane Ghattas; Stéphanie Monnier-Besnard; Lisa Cavillot; Monika Ambrozova; Barbora Vasinova; Rodrigo Feteira-Santos; Peter Bezzegh; Felipe Ponce Bollmann; James Cottam; Romana Haneef; Brecht Devleesschauwer; Niko Speybroeck; Paulo Jorge Nogueira; Maria João Forjaz; Joel Coste; Laure Carcaillon-BentataKeywords
Article written during project(s) :
Estimating the risks and impacts of COVID-19 for different health groups at the population level is essential for orienting public health measures. Adopting a population-based approach, we conducted a systematic review to explore: (1) the etiological role of multimorbidity and frailty in developing SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19-related short-term outcomes; and (2) the prognostic role of multimorbidity and frailty in developing short- and long-term outcomes. This review presents the state of the evidence in the early years of the pandemic. It was conducted within the Europe…