The prevalence of Chlamydia psittaci infections in Belgian commercial turkey poults7197

Last updated on 23-8-2019 by Anonymous (not verified)

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article



The prevalence of Chlamydia psittaci infections in Belgian commercial turkey poults was examined and a follow-up study of one Belgian turkey flock was performed. Sera were examined for the presence of anti-chlamydia antibodies by immunoblotting. Cloacal and conjunctival swab smears and lung impression smears were examined for the presence of chlamydial antigen using the IMAGEN Chlamydia immunofluorescence test. Anti-chlamydia antibodies were found in 90 of 100 sera collected at slaughter from turkeys raised during the summer of 1992. The following winter, 73 of 100 sera reacted positively. …

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