Towards licensing of CP7_E2alf as marker vaccine against classical swine fever-Duration of immunity.

Last updated on 23-8-2019 by Anonymous (not verified)

Peer reviewed scientific article



Classical swine fever (CSF) marker vaccine candidate CP7_E2alf was tested in a “duration of immunity” trial according to the World Organisation for Animal Heath (OIE) guidelines. To this means, 15 weaner pigs were either orally or intramuscularly vaccinated with a single dose of CP7_E2alf vaccine produced under Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) conditions. Ten additional pigs were included as controls. Six months later, all animals were oronasally challenged with highly virulent CSF virus (CSFV) strain “Koslov”. Upon vaccination, all but one orally and all intramuscularly vaccinated pigs devel…

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