Tue, 05/11/2019 - 13:00 to 18:00
You are cordially invited to the Belgian One Health Network launch event on Tuesday 5 November at the Sciensano site in Tervuren.
This event with ‘One Health’ as its theme, is a new initiative to promote One Health and to bring together everyone who works in a One Health context in Belgium. Sciensano employees form the basis of this initiative. We discuss the One Health concept in the presence of organisations that are active in this domain in Belgium. We also highlight the cooperation and interactions between the various actors.
13:00 Registration
13:30 Plenary
13:30 Welcome by Myriam Snyers, director general of Sciensano and Tom Auwers, Head of FOD-SPF Public health
13:50 Presentation of the network (Frank Koenen and Hans Keune): One Health networking definition: results survey
14:00 NEOH definition/work by Simon Rüegg, Senior Researcher at University of Zurich
14:30 Presentation of organisations working in a One Health perspective in Belgium
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Parallel Break out sessions:
- What are important topical issues to work on?
- What do you expect from the network?
- What can you do for the network?
16:00 Plenary reporting break out — Network name voting
16:30 Networking and drink