Wed, 18/04/2018 - 12:00 to Fri, 20/04/2018 - 13:00
*new date for abstract submission: February 28 2018*
Environmental pollutants can originate from manmade activities or can be naturally present in the environment. They might be present in the soil, water, air and can enter the food chain. The population might get exposed to these pollutants via inhalation, contaminated food and water or through skin contact. The presence of these contaminants in the environment and the food web might have an important impact on the environment and public health.
The ICEPRAR conference brings together scientists from academia, laboratories and industry, control authorities and representatives of national and international agencies from Europe and Africa to exchange scientific results and to discuss chemical contamination of the environment and the food chain, environmental remediation, risk assessment and public health impact.
The objectives of the symposium are:
- Analysis of contaminants
- Sampling techniques
- Development and validation of new measurement techniques
- Bio-sensors
- Biological indicators
- Occurrence and concentration of pollutants in soil, water, air, wildlife and food
- Toxicology
- Exposure and risk assessment
- Environmental and health impact assessment
- Epidemiological studies
- Environmental remediation
- Environment and food chain legislation
5 Plenary Lectures of established scientist in the Field will be presented.
During the symposium the opportunity is offered to scientists to present their research findings during oral or poster presentations. A one page abstract should be submitted before February 28th 2018. Abstract submission is part of the registration.
Instructions for abstract submission
Follow these instructions for submitting your abstract:
- Go to ‘Register here’ at the end of this page
- Fill the registration form as indicated with the coordinates of the presenting author (max. two abstracts per person)
- Enter your title
- Give the authors
- first initials, then family name : I. Thomson (1) and L. Jansen (2)
- Enter the coordinates of the authors
- Affiliation (Faculty, Institute, or Company), department, address — e-mail :
(1) Scientific Institute of Public Health, Food, medicines and consumer safety, Juliette Wytsmanstraat 14, 1050 Brussels, Belgium —
(2) Scientific Institute of Public Health, Food, medicines and consumer safety, Juliette Wytsmanstraat 14, 1050 Brussels, Belgium –
- Affiliation (Faculty, Institute, or Company), department, address — e-mail :
- Write your abstract in max. 2500 characters (title and authors excluded)
- Indicate your preference for presentation
- oral
- poster
- no preference
- A second abstract can be added -→ click on ‘Add another item’
Preliminary Program
Wednesday, April 18
12:00 — 17:00 | Registration
17:00 — 19:00 | Welcome reception
Thursday, April 19
08:00 — 09:00 | Registration
09:00 — 09:30 | Welcome, Conference Opening and Overview from the H2OPOL project
09:30 — 10:50 | Plenary Lectures
- Prof. Nicolas Kalogerakis: Mitigation measures for pollution in the marine environment
- Prof. Olivier Sire: Biological risk assessment at the sea shore interface: Tracking the pollutants sources
10:50 — 12:00 | Coffee Break & Poster Viewing
12:00 — 13:00 | Sessions & Plenary Lectures
- Room 1: Water, Air , Soil and Food contamination
- Room 2: Environment and Health Impact
- Prof. Aziz Amine: Recent advances on the biosensors for environmental monitoring
- Dr. Laure Joly: Monitoring of human exposure to pesticide residues using silicone wristband passive samplers
13:00 — 14:30 | Lunch
14:30-15:50 | Plenary Lectures
- Dr. Jean-François Picron: Food contamination with pyrrolizidinealkaloids: the expected… and the unexpected
- Prof. M. Elskens: Dynamics of estrogen activity in an urban European river receiving wastewater effluent
15:50-17:10| Sessions
- Room 1: Water, Air , Soil and Food contamination
- Room 2: Environmental remediation
17:10-17:40| Vendor seminars
Friday, April 20
08:30 — 09:50 | Plenary Lectures
- Prof. Silvia Díaz Cruz: Are personal care products as good for the environment as they are (or not) for us?
- Prof. Basem Shomar: Broader Scope for Environmental Monitoring
09:50 — 11:00 | Coffee Break & Poster Viewing
11:00 — 12:20 | Sessions
- Room 1: Environment and Health Impact
- Room 2: Environmental remediation
12:20 — 13:00 | Closing and Award Ceremony
You can register by completing the form under ‘Register here’ until Thursday, March 1 2018.
For those who want to register without abstract submission: There is no obligation in filling the boxes of ‘abstract submission’. You can even remove this box.
The registration fee is set on €100 for each non Tunisian participant. Tunisian students and academics can participate for 100 DT. (The maximum allowed participants for the conference is set on 135 persons. Additional subscribers will be put on a waiting list.)
The registration fee covers participation in all the conference sessions, a copy of the proceedings, refreshments during coffee break, lunches, conference dinner and a two nights stay at the hotel in double room (single room +30 euro for non-Tunisian or +30 DT for Tunisian participants). Drinks during lunches and dinners, room upgrades, additional nights and other costs are at the expenses of the participant and should be paid directly at the hotel.
You will receive payment instructions upon registration.
Important dates
Abstract submission until Wednesday, February 28 2018
Registration until Thursday, March 1 2018
The symposium is organized in the framework of the project “Impact of water pollution on Public Health in Northern Africa” H2OPOL and was financed by the Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO).
mail the ICEPRAR2018 team for more information.