IQED-Foot Information Meeting audit 6

Last updated on 14-12-2022 by Pierre Daubresse

Wed, 29/04/2020 - 18:00 to 22:15

Event type: 
closed meeting
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You are kindly invited to the IQED-Foot Information Meeting of audit 6 organized by Sciensano on behalf of the National Institute of Health and Disability Insurance (NIHDI). The meeting starts with a presentation of the first national results of the IQED-Foot data collection 2018-2019, followed by interactive workshops. During the workshop sessions, you will get the opportunity to discuss specific diabetic foot-related themes in more detail. Each participant is able to attend 2 workshops out of 3 proposed topics.

Workshops (each participant is able to attend 2 workshops out of 3 proposed topics. Please register below before the 10th of April)


  • (Physiopatho)logical approach of diabetic foot - Organised by: Dr. Frank Nobels, diabetologist, Dr. Wahid Rezaie, orthopaedic surgeon from the Diabetic Foot Clinic OLV Aalst

Based on case studies, we want to highlight the multidisciplinary approach of diabetic foot, aiming to maintain/obtain a shoeable foot with the lowest possible chance of recidivism. Specific points of attention in this regard are limiting the loss of tissue through an alert, but not too aggressive approach and corrective orthopaedic surgery (as minimally invasive as possible).


  • Negative pressure therapy in diabetic foot wounds — Organised by Dr. Caren Randon, vascular surgeon, Els Rutten, diabetes educator, from the Diabetic Foot Clinic UZ Gent

The efficacy of NPT in promoting diabetic wound healing has been largely accepted. In this workshop we will evaluate through case reports and evidence based literature the effect of negative pressure wound therapy on diabetic foot wounds, especially for prevention or reduction of minor and major amputations, and for infection therapy.  We emphasize on tips and tricks, points of attention and pitfalls.


  • Diabetic foot infections - Organised by Dr. Michel Vandenbroucke, diabetologist from the Diabetic Foot Clinic AZ Sint-Maarten 

Infections compromise both disease course and outcome of wound and foot problems in patients with diabetes. During this workshop, we explain recently published guidelines (IWGDF 2019, ADA 2019, IDF 2017, ACCP 2016) in translation to clinical practice in Belgian diabetic foot clinics. Topics include diagnostics, estimation of severity and scope, treatment, specific wound dressings and quality of life. We will demonstrate new technologies in a hands-on session. 

This event contributes to Sciensano's activities in the field of: 


Business Faculty
Sint Lendriksborre
1120 Neder-Over-Heembeek


Free, but registration is mandatory

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Deadline: 10-4-2020
Registrations are closed

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