Joint meeting on leptospirosis

Last updated on 6-8-2024 by Lieke Vervoort

Mon, 02/09/2024 - 08:30 to Wed, 04/09/2024 - 15:45

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You are kindly invited to the 13th Conference of the International Leptospirosis Society (ILS) and 4th Meeting of the European Leptospirosis and other rodent-borne haemorrhagic fevers Society (ELS). This symposium aims to promote exchanges and advancements in understanding and managing leptospirosis, while encouraging scientific networking valuable for researchers, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, and stakeholders involved in risk assessment and policy on this disease.

Sciensano is National Reference Laboratory for Leptospirosis, supports the molecular diagnosis of acute human cases within 10 days of the onset of symptoms and is also responsible for the epidemiological surveillance of the disease in humans in Belgium.


Please find the full program on the website of the event


Regular Registration € 600,00 — until h. 11:59pm  (UTC+01 time zone Brussels) of August 15th, 2024 

Late Registration € 700,00 - until h. 11:59pm (UTC+01 time zone Brussels) of August 26th, 2024

Registration fees include:

  • Participation in the scientific sessions
  • Admittance to the Exhibition Area
  • Conference kit
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunches

Register here

This event contributes to Sciensano's activities in the field of: 


Art & History museum
Cinquantenaire Park 10
1000 Bruxelles


600 euro (Regular fee until 15/08) until places are available


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2-9-2024 to 4-9-2024

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