Fri, 22/11/2019 - 09:00 to 14:00
You are kindly invited to the symposium on non-infectious serology organised by Sciensano. We will focus on the progress of the harmonisation initiatives in anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) testing launched in 2017-2019. The program includes enough time for open panel discussions and questions on the different topics.
9:00 — 9:30 Registration with coffee
9:30 — 9:40 Welcome (Sofie Schouwers)
9:40 — 10:00 Autoimmune serology testing: looking back and looking forward (Carolien Bonroy)
10:00 — 10:15 Results from the LIME survey ANA methodology (Martine Vercammen)
10:15 — 10:30 ANA pattern harmonisation: where are we? (Laurence Lutteri)
10:30 — 10:45 Current laboratory and clinical practices in reporting and interpreting ANA IIFA patterns: results from an international survey (Lieve Van Hoovels)
10:45 — 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 — 11:45 Feasibility of harmonisation in automated ANA IFA testing: results of the Belgian multicenter study (Sofie Schouwers — Lieve Van Hoovels)
11:45 — 12:05 Study on anti-ds DNA methods (Sylvie Goletti)
12:05 — 12:20 The dream of an EQA provider: a harmonised way of completing EQA forms (Sylvia Broeders)
12:20 — 12:30 Discussion
12:30 — 14:00 Lunch
Together with the NIS experts, we hope to see you all there.