Primary Care Study Day - Role and challenges of primary care in public

Last updated on 10-10-2024 by Cassandre Dugailliez

Tue, 15/10/2024 - 09:30 to 17:30


Register for the study day

Join us for an insightful and engaging study day focused on the critical role of primary care in shaping resilient and equitable health systems! This study day brings together leading experts and practitioners to:

  • explore primary care research
  • share best practices
  • and discuss the role of primary health care in public health.

Primary health care is the bedrock of robust national health systems, making health and well-being services more accessible to communities. It is also crucial for strengthening the capacity of health systems to address crises. However, health systems are facing numerous challenges such as:

  • maintaining the health of (ageing) populations
  • health inequities
  • and preparedness for future pandemics.

Our keynote speaker Dheepa Rajan, from the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (WHO), will provide valuable insights into the role of primary care in health systems across the world, starting from her latest policy textbook “Implementing the Primary Health Care Approach: a Primer”. Our second keynote speaker from the Netherlands institute for health services research (Nivel) will share his experience on the use of primary care research for public health purposes in the Dutch health care system. Their presentations will set the stage for the stimulating panel discussions.

The first panel discussion will delve into different population management approaches and implementation in the context of primary care zones. During the second panel, experts from research and policy will discuss the role of primary health care in pandemic preparedness.

In two separate sessions, field experts will share their perspectives on Interdisciplinarity, and a group of speakers including general practitioners and patients will discuss how to tackle inequalities in primary care through their experiences.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided to stimulate networking and the exchange of ideas.

We look forward to welcoming you to this day of learning, networking and celebration as we work together to strengthen primary care systems, showcase the role of primary care in public health and improve health outcomes for all.


9:30-10:15 Welcome and networking breakfast

10:15-10:30 Introduction and welcome words 
Prof. Dr Christian Léonard (Director of Sciensano)

10:30-11:15 Keynote 1
Presentation by Dheepa Rajan (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, WHO)         

11:15-12:00 Panel discussion and Q&A: Population Management
Caroline Verlinde (VIVEL), Sarah Missinne (PSSI-Vivalis), Anaïs Legrand & Caroline Frère (Proxisanté/AVIQ), Patricia Chavez (Integreo), Annick Dermine (Huis voor Gezondheid)
Moderator : Prof. em. Jan De Maeseneer (UGent)

12:00-13:00 Lunch Break

13:00-13:45 Keynote 2
Presentation by Dr. Nienke Veldhuijzen (NIVEL)                                                                                             

13:45-13:30 Panel discussion and Q&A: Role of Primary Health Care in Pandemic Preparedness
Dr Pierre-Louis Deudon (Sentinel GP), Niel Hens (UHasselt), Naïma Hammami (Departement Zorg), Koen Blot (Head of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology, Sciensano)
Moderator : Dr. Jeroen van den Brandt (Domus Medica)                

14:30-14:45 Coffee Break

14:45-15:30 Session on Interdisciplinarity and Q&A
Dr Jean-Luc Belche (ULiège) & Prof em. Jan de Maeseneer (UGent)

15:30-16:15 Session on societal challenges:(In)equity in Primary Health Care and Q&A
Dr Hanna Ballout (SSMG & maison médicale Laeken)                                                                          

16:15-16:30  Closing remarks
Robrecht De Schreye (Head of Health Services Research Service, Sciensano)

From 16:30-17:30 Drinks & 45th anniversary of the Sentinel General Practitioners Network


Registration are closed.

This event contributes to Sciensano's activities in the field of: 


1 Rue Ernest Blerot
Salle Storck
1070 Anderlecht


Free but registration is mandatory


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