Seminar Infectious Diseases (SsID) | Diagnostic and surveillance of infectious diseases

Last updated on 14-12-2022 by Pierre Daubresse

Thu, 17/05/2018 - 08:30 to 16:00

Event type: 
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Sciensano organises each year a scientific seminar about infectious diseases, with a focus on surveillance, prevention, treatment and epidemics’ management.


Microbiologists and laboratory technicians, physicians, scientists, public health leaders, or any other person interested in infectious diseases are welcome.


08h30 Registration with walking breakfast & visit of stands

Session 1 | Chairs: Catherine Potvliege (CHU Tivoli) & Boudewijn Catry (Sciensano)

09h15 Welcome address

09h30 Quality control results on molecular biology | Bernard China (Sciensano)

09h55 Laboratory exposure to Brucella spp.: challenges for biosafety | Véronique Yvette Miendje Deyi (LHUB-ULB)

10h20 Increase of Streptococcus A and infection control | Katherine Loens & Hilde Jansens (UZA)

10h45 Resistance DNA viruses | Robert Snoeck (KULeuven)

11h15 Coffee break & visit of stands

Session 2 | Chairs: Denis Piérard (UZBrussels) & Germaine Hanquet (KCE)

11h45 Infections in immunocompromised/screening and prevention | Charlotte Martin (CHU St Pierre)

12h10 Pertussis: effectiveness of maternal vaccination | Gayatri Amirthalingam (Public Health England)

12h40 Introduction of a new paediatric influenza vaccine programme: experiences from the U.K | Richard Pebody (Public Health England)

13h15 Lunch

Session 3 | Chairs: Dirk Vogelaers (UGent) & Hector Rodriguez-Villalobos (UCLouvain)

14h15 Best poster presentation

14h25 One health approach of antibiotic resistance | Dik Mevius (Universiteit Utrecht)

14h55 Prevalence of pathogens in ticks | Tinne Lernout (Sciensano)

15h15 Oubreak of gastroenteritis in camps: experiences in Belgium | Carole Schirvel (AViQ) & Wim Flipse (ZG)

15h40 Hot Topic: TBD

15h50 Closing address and end of seminar




The sessions on Clinical biology (in the morning) and Ethics and economics (afternoon) are accredited.

This event contributes to Sciensano's activities in the field of: 


Brussels44Center, Passage 44, Kruidtuinlaan 44
1000 Brussels


€ 70 (session 1&2, lunch not incl.) | € 90 (all 3 sessions, lunch incl.)


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