Sciensano & Khat

Last updated on 19-10-2018 by Thibault Degiuli

The use of illegal drugs involves many long- and short-term risks. Do not endanger your health: do not use illegal drugs! If, however, you do in fact use illegal drugs, it is advisable to be supported or accompanied by some other person who can call the emergency services in the case of sudden severe illness.

Monitoring of illegal drugs in Belgium

Sciensano collects data and analyses the use of illegal drugs, the drug market and drug addiction in Belgium in 7 main thematic areas:

The laboratories of the medication department of Sciensano also analyse the composition of certain samples of illegal drugs in the framework of the Belgian Early Warning System on Drugs.

Sciensano's main objective is to support healthcare professionals and national and international policy makers in the development, implementation and assessment of a global and integrated policy regarding drug use.

Use of illegal drugs in the Health Interview Survey

Sciensano publishes each 4 years a survey about the Belgian's Health.

Emotional well-being, chronic conditions, eating habits, access to health care, nutrition or the use of tobacco, alcohol, medicines and illegal drugs are all addressed.

The module on the use of 'illegal drugs' evaluates the number of individuals in the general population that use cannabis, but also other dangerous substances, such as cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy, heroin or recently new psychoactive substances (NPS). The latter are already on the market, but are not yet legally prohibited.

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