Sciensano & Tularaemia

Last updated on 22-2-2023 by Charlien Hupko

Sciensano hosts two teams working closely together on tularaemia:

Diagnosis of tularaemia

As the NRL for Belgium, Sciensano diagnoses tularaemia in animals (mainly for animal export purposes) and humans. We have tests for the isolation and molecular typing of F.tularensis. We can also carry out serological tests based on sero-agglutination and/or ELISA

Research on tularaemia

As the NRL for Belgium, Sciensano participates in studies on the surveillance of tularaemia in high-risk groups like veterinarians and rangers. We are also actively involved in research projects looking for F.tularensis and/or Francisella-like bacteria in ticks.

Description of Belgian tularaemia cases

Sciensano’s unit Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases collects information on the Belgian tularaemia cases by combining the data from the mandatory notification systems and the data from the reference laboratory. This allows to describe the occurrence of tularaemia in Belgium and to look at specific risk factors (like place, infection route etc…) for the disease.

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