Other projects with this keyword
- Belgian Cancer Inventory [ Belgian Cancer Inventory ]
- Joint Action on Cancer and other Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention: Action on Health Determinants [ JA PreventNCD ]
- Program PRECISION: The Belgian Molecular Profiling Program of Metastatic Cancer for Clinical Decision and Treatment Assignment [ PRECISION ]
- Next Generation Sequencing in routine diagnostics in Belgium [ NGS in BE ]
- Belgian Cancer Barometer 2020 [ BCB2020 ]
- Cancer Control [ CanCon ]
- Citizens forum on the use of genomic information in health care [ Burgerforum ]
- Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies [ ECHos ]
- The Belgian Paediatric Palliative Care group: BPPC group [ BPPC ]
- A Coordination and Support Action to prepare UNCAN.eu platform: 4.UNCAN.eu [ 4.UNCAN.eu ]