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Prof. Dr. Boudewijn Catry PhD
Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance, Head of Service
Boudewijn Catry (DVM °2000, PhD °2005) is a researcher with a special interest in antimicrobial resistance. Between 2000 and 2007, he combined ambulatory practice & obstetrics as a veterinary surgeon with laboratory research at the Ghent University (Ugent). He started to work at Sciensano in 2007, where he integrated veterinary epidemiological approaches in human research projects. Since 2009 he is in charge of the service Healthcare-associated Infections & Antimicrobial Resistance ( He is involved in national and international committees on the prudent use of antimicrobials and infection prevention. He is co-founder (°2013) of the outbreak support team for multidrug resistant organisms in Belgian hospitals (MDRO-OST). Since 2018 he is lecturer epidemiology at the Faculty of Medicine in Brussels (Université libre de Bruxelles, ULB).