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Dr. Marc Dispas PhD

Veterinary epidemiologist

Projects leader : Cattle population dynamics — Sanitel Data Quality - 

Support for FASFC: cattle endemic disease control : IBR, BVDV, Tuberculosis


Started working in Sciensano : 1996

Previous jobs :

Veterinary small domestic animals practitioner & dental surgerey : own practice 1995-2002.

Research assistant Free University of Brussels : Neurosciences : tolerance to morphin in a chronic pain rat model. 1993-1994.


Bachelier in Pscychology and Sciences of Education (currently : last year). University of Mons (Belgium)

Dr in Veterinary Sciences (PhD), Faculty Vet. Med. Université de Liège (Belgium) 2004

Dr in Veterinary Medicine, Faculty Vet. Med. Université de Liège (Belgium) 1992

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1070 Bruxelles

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