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Dr. ir. Mieke Steensels MSc
Head of the AI/ND national reference laboratory
- KULeuven, Master in Bioscience engineering (Cell and Gen biotechnology + Animal Production) (°2004)
“An integrated approach for the study of the effect of the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG against Salmonella typhimurium by proteomics”; Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics, Prof. J. Vanderleyden.
- KULeuven, PhD in Bioscience engineering (°2009)
‘Novel vaccination strategies to protect birds against Asian highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza viruses’; Prof. B. Goddeeris, KULeuven-CODACERVA
- Project leader CODA-CERVA, Avian Virology and Immunology (°2005)
Applied research on vaccination against Avian Influenza and Newcastle disease infection (AviVac, NewFluVac, NewFluMDA)
Molecular Markers for AI-pathogenicity (AIDAPT, FluPath, EpiSeq)
Screening of field samples for circovirus, chlamydia psittaci and/or pigeon paramyxovirus
Reverse genetics AI (AviMol-RGAI, RG-VIRNA)
Vaccine services (Merial, Ceva, Lohmann, HuvePharma)
Developement of Diagnostic tools (EMERDIA-H5 I and II, BelVir, COST-IB)
- Biosafety representative, unit Avian Virology and Immunology (°2009)
- Scientist: Head of the AI/ND reference laboratory (°2009)
Support to the reference lab activities: virology and molecular biology (AviMol)
Responsible for exports (customer support)