Search results - 111 results

Evaluation of a hierarchical ascendant clustering process implemented in a veterinary syndromic surveillance system.

detection of aberrations in health indicators before laboratory confirmation. “MoSS-Emergences 2” (MoSS- E2), a tool for veterinary syndromic surveillance, aggregates groups of similar clinical observations ...

Prediction of respiratory disease and diarrhea in veal calves based on immunoglobulin levels and the serostatus for respiratory pathogens measured at arrival.

was judged to be too high to further postpone a group treatment. A Cox regression model was used to determine the effect of the studied protein fractions and antibodies on the time to BRD and NCD ...

Extensive genetic variability linked to IS26 insertions in the fljB promoter region of atypical monophasic variants of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium.

IS26 composite transposon insertion along with a local genomic rearrangement. Several other IS26 element-mediated alterations of this genomic region were observed. This group of monophasic Salmonella ...

Evaluation of adaptive immune responses and heterologous protection induced by inactivated bluetongue virus vaccines.

vaccines would help protect against 2 serotypes. Thirty-seven sheep were randomly allocated to 7 groups of 5 or 6 animals. Four groups were vaccinated with commercial vaccines against BTV strains 2, 4, and ...

Comparing responses to different selenium sources and dosages in laying hens.

variables was investigated. Ten treatments were used with 18 laying hens per group. In addition to the control diet, the control diet was supplemented with L-selenomethionine, Se-enriched yeast, or sodium ...

Co-occurrence of free-living protozoa and foodborne pathogens on dishcloths: implications for food safety.

Bodo, the glissomonads and cercomonads. The total number of FLP in used dishcloths ranged from 10 to 10(4) MPN /cm(2). Flagellates were the most abundant group, and ciliates the least abundant. Detergent ...

A survey on biosecurity and management practices in selected Belgian cattle farms.

enhancement of preventive measures considering external and internal biosecurity was still possible for each farm, as none of the farms obtained an overall high biosecurity level. Three groups of cattle farms ...

Phage and MLVA typing of Salmonella enteritidis isolated from layers and humans in Belgium from 2000-2010, a period in which vaccination of laying hens was introduced.

increased considerably in the layer population since 2007. In the human population, PT8, PT1 and the group of ‘other’ PT s were more frequently isolated compared to the previous periods. When comparing the ...

Dose-dependent effect of experimental Schmallenberg virus infection in sheep.

Abstract: Schmallenberg virus (SBV) is an orthobunyavirus affecting European domestic ruminants. In this study, the dose-dependent effect of experimental infection of sheep with SBV was evaluated. Four groups ...

Vers un monitoring des facteurs de risque d'émergence des maladies animales?

obtained were transformed into scores.The risk factors were then ranked according to their impact on the risk of emergence ofthe animal diseases studied, either considered as one overall group, or subdivided ...

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