Search results - 111 results

Bluetongue, Schmallenberg- what is next? Culicoides-borne viral diseases in the 21st Century.

workshop was held in May 2013 at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. It brought together research groups from Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and The Netherlands, with ...

Effect of a DIVA vaccine with and without in-feed use of coated calcium-butyrate on transmission of Salmonella Typhimurium in pigs.

experiment with 56 piglets (3-15 weeks of age): two groups were orally vaccinated with 107 — 108 Colony Forming Units (CFU)/2 mL of a new attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium vaccine ‘Salmoporc-∆rfaJ’ with DIVA ...

Setting up a SPF chicken model for the pathotyping of West Nile virus (WNV) strains.

higher and longer-lasting viremias than older chickens. In all experimental groups, the detection window for viral RNA in feathers lasted up to 14 dpi. Altogether, the data presented in this study show ...

Effects of lung exposure to carbon nanotubes on female fertility and pregnancy. A study in mice.

delivery of the first litter was observed in exposed females. Litter parameters, behavior and DSP were similar in control and exposed groups. In conclusion, instillation of a single dose of MWCNT induced ...

Antibacterial activity of a lectin-like Burkholderia cenocepacia protein.

Burkholderia pseudomallei group. A selected recombinant LlpA-like protein from the human isolate Burkholderia cenocepacia AU1054 displayed narrow-spectrum genus-specific antibacterial activity, thus representing ...

Experimental infection of Carrion crows (Corvus corone) with two European West Nile virus (WNV) strains.

feathers than in the Fr2000 group. Therefore, Carrion crows should also be a target species for WNV surveillance in Western Europe, where reporting for abnormal mortalities could be completed by viral ...

M2e-displaying virus-like particles with associated RNA promote T helper 1 type adaptive immunity against influenza A.

without nucleic acids displayed significantly lower mortality, morbidity and lung virus titers than control-immunized groups. We conclude that nucleic acids present in M2 e- VLP s correlate with improved ...

Experimental infection of juvenile domestic and Canada geese with two different clades of H5N1 high pathogenicity avian influenza virus.

the groups and included listlessness, inappetence, marked incoordination, torticollis, paralysis and lethargy. Mortality reached 100% (Canada geese) and 40-50% (domestic geese). During necropsy, ...

Efficacy of chimeric Pestivirus vaccine candidates against classical swine fever: protection and DIVA characteristics.

tests were evaluated. The vaccine candidates were compared to the C-strain. All vaccine candidates protected against clinical signs. No transmission to contact pigs was detected in the groups vaccinated ...

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