Search results - 65 results

Development of a real-time PCR method for the genoserotyping of Salmonella Paratyphi B variant Java.

Paratyphi B is of major importance as these two variants have different pathogenic profiles. While D-tartrate non-fermenting S. Paratyphi B isolates are the causative agent of typhoid-like fever, D-tartrate ...

Care of general practice patients preceding and following a suicide attempt: observational study in Flemish general practices.

forms at baseline and at two follow-up points in time. RESULTS: As for GP knowledge, 10.5% of SGP failed to report whether suicidal risk was noticed in patients seen in the month preceding the attempt; ...

Care of general practice patients preceding and following a suicide attempt: observational study in Flemish general practices.

forms at baseline and at two follow-up points in time. RESULTS: As for GP knowledge, 10.5% of SGP failed to report whether suicidal risk was noticed in patients seen in the month preceding the attempt; ...

Human psittacosis: a review with emphasis on surveillance in Belgium.

as in other countries, is probably highly underestimated, because of underdiagnoses and underreporting. Over the 3-year period, the mandatory notification system registered 24% only of all reported ...

Contribution of chronic conditions to gender disparities in health expectancies in Belgium, 2001, 2004 and 2008

Conclusion To promote healthy ageing of populations, priority should be given to reduce the LED disadvantage in women by targeting non-fatal diseases, such as musculoskeletal conditions. Health Topics:  Health ...

Isoniazid Bactericidal Activity Involves Electron Transport Chain Perturbation.

inhibition. The activity of isoniazid (INH), a key first-line bactericidal antituberculosis drug currently known to inhibit mycolic acid synthesis, becomes extremely poor under stress conditions, such as ...

Contribution of chronic diseases to educational disparity in disability in France: results from the cross-sectional “disability-health” survey

disparities in disability should focus on musculoskeletal, pulmonary, psychiatric and ischemic heart diseases, reducing their prevalence as well as their disabling impact in lower socioeconomic groups. Health ...

Socioeconomic factors contributing to under-five mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: a decomposition analysis

Health, Volume 19, Issue 1 (2019) Keywords: Decomposition inequality under-five mortality Abstract: Background In sub-Saharan Africa, socioeconomic factors such as place of residence, mother’s educational ...

The value of seroprevalence data as surveillance tool for Lyme borreliosis in the general population: the experience of Belgium

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Tinne Lernout; Benoît Kabamba-Mukadi; Saegeman, Veroniek; Marie Tré-Hardy; Morgane de Laveleye; Tommi Asikainen; Ram Benny Dessau; Sophie Quoilin; Amber Litzroth Source: BMC Public Health, Volume ...

Global burden of cancer and coronary heart disease resulting from dietary exposure to arsenic, 2015

the disease risk from chronic exposure to the low amounts of arsenic found in food remains to be established. Thus, this research estimates the global burdens of disease expressed as Disability-Adjusted ...

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