Search results - 5 results

Functional reprogramming of monocytes in patients with acute and convalescent severe COVID-19.

during acute or convalescent phases (n = 97). In the acute phase, we observed impaired cytokine production by monocytes in the patients with the most severe COVID-19. This capacity was globally restored in ...

Progressive Control of Streptococcus agalactiae-Induced Innate Inflammatory Response Is Associated with Time Course Expression of MicroRNA-223 by Neutrophils.

and partial enhancement of infiltrating neutrophils in GBS-infected lung tissues. This suggests the potential contribution of miR-223 to the resolution phase of GBS-induced acute inflammation. Health ...

Increased surface area of halloysite nanotubes due to surface modification predicts lung inflammation and acute phase response after pulmonary exposure in mice

Jan Mast; Andreas Holländer; Jensen, Keld Alstrup; Hougaard, Karin S; Vogel, Ulla Source: Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Volume 73 (2020) Keywords: Acute phase response Airway exposure Comet ...

Increased surface area of halloysite nanotubes due to surface modification predicts lung inflammation and acute phase response after pulmonary exposure in mice

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Kenneth Klingenberg Barfod; Katja Maria Bendtsen; Trine Berthing; Antti Joonas Koivisto; Sarah Søs Poulsen; Ester Segal; Eveline Verleysen; Jan Mast; Andreas Holländer; Keld Alstrup ...

Increased surface area of halloysite nanotubes due to surface modification predicts lung inflammation and acute phase response after pulmonary exposure in mice

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Kenneth Klingenberg Barfod; Katja Maria Bendtsen; Trine Berthing; Antti Joonas Koivisto; Sarah Søs Poulsen; Ester Segal; Eveline Verleysen; Jan Mast; Andreas Holländer; Keld Alstrup ...

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