Search results - 11 results

Estimating Years of Life Lost due to COVID-19 over the first two years of the pandemic in Cyprus: comparisons across areas, age, and sex

Amalia Hatziyianni; Elena Pallari Source: Discover Health Systems, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2023) Keywords: burden of disease COVID-19 Cyprus European burden of disease network Abstract: Knowledge about the ...

Burden of non-communicable diseases in Cyprus, 1990–2017: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study

s) accounted for over 90% of all deaths in the Cypriot population, in 2018. However, a detailed and comprehensive overview of the impact of NCD s on population health of Cyprus over the period of 1990 ...

Conducting national burden of disease studies in small countries in Europe– a feasible challenge?

absence of adequate data. Considering Europe’s small countries of Cyprus, Iceland, Luxembourg, Malta and Montenegro, the aim was to assess whether the various national data sources identified are ...

Defining a European diabetes data dictionary for clinical audit and healthcare delivery: core standards of the EUBIROD project

providing the foundation for the EUBIROD data analysis repository, also used to implement the diabetes registry and model of care for Cyprus. CONCLUSIONS: The development of data dictionaries and standards ...

Core Standards of the EUBIROD Project. Defining a European Diabetes Data Dictionary for Clinical Audit and Healthcare Delivery.

create an electronic directory for diabetes care, providing the foundation for the EUBIROD data analysis repository, also used to implement the diabetes registry and model of care for Cyprus. CONCLUSIONS: ...

Exposure determinants of cadmium in European mothers and their children

Area Areas article AS at Belgium biomonitoring Brussels Cadmium cancer cardiovascular Cardiovascular disease Cardiovascular-disease CHILDREN CI Comparison consequences Countries Cyprus CZECH Czech ...

The occurrence of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) in European pigs from 1990 to 2001.

(110), Greece (15) and Cyprus (6). The outbreaks appeared to be clustered in ‘endemic areas’ with an increase in outbreaks during the autumn and winter months. The within-herd seroprevalence measured in ...

Phylogenetic analysis of European encephalomyocarditis viruses: comparison of two genomic regions.

which contained viruses from Greece isolated between 1986 and 1997 and from Belgium in 1991 and the other which contained viruses from Italy (1986-1996), Cyprus (1994-1995), France (1995) and ...

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