Search results - 176 results

CCR2(+)CD103(-) intestinal dendritic cells develop from DC-committed precursors and induce interleukin-17 production by T cells.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Scott, C L; Bain, C C; Wright, P B; Sichien, D; Kotarsky, K; Persson, E K; Luda, K; Guilliams, M; Bénédicte Lambrecht; Agace, W W; Milling, S Wf; Mowat, A M Source: Mucosal Immunol, Volume 8, Iss ...

Measuring general animal health status: Development of an animal health barometer.

Reporting Public Health Practice Abstract: The development of an animal health barometer, an instrument to measure the general health of the Belgian livestock population on a yearly basis and to monitor its ...

Evaluation of adaptive immune responses and heterologous protection induced by inactivated bluetongue virus vaccines.

BTV-8 (5 groups). Taken together, 24/25 sheep from the 4 experimental groups developed detectable antibodies against the vaccinated viruses. Furthermore, sheep that received heterologous vaccines showed ...

Study of the virulence of serotypes 4 and 9 of African horse sickness virus in IFNAR(-/-), Balb/C and 129 Sv/Ev mice.

belongs to the family Reoviridae, genus Orbivirus. Recent studies have focused on the interferon-α/β receptor knock-out mice (IFNAR (-/-)) as a small animal laboratory for the development of AHSV vaccines. ...

Comparing responses to different selenium sources and dosages in laying hens.

Keywords: Animal Feed Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena Animals Chickens Diet Dietary Supplements Female Oviposition Selenomethionine Sodium Selenite yeasts Abstract: Developing new sources of ...

A survey on biosecurity and management practices in selected Belgian cattle farms.

farms and high frequencies of professional visits, a farm-specific preventive strategy should be developed, thereby using the facilities often already present on the farm. Health Topics:  Animal health ...

Comparison of two real-time RT-PCR assays for differentiation of C-strain vaccinated from classical swine fever infected pigs and wild boars.

wild type virus and C-strain vaccines have recently been developed. Here the results from a comparison of these two real-time RT- PCR assays in an interlaboratory exercise are presented. Both assays ...

A model for the transfer of passive immunity against Newcastle disease and avian influenza in specific pathogen free chickens.

in early life, when the immune system is immature and unable to fight off infection. On the other hand, MDA can also affect the development of the immune system and interfere with vaccination against ...

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